Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Most Overlooked Fact Regarding Educational Goal Essay Samples Explained

The Most Overlooked Fact Regarding Educational Goal Essay Samples Explained At the close of the game you'll be a lot more knowledgeable concerning the locations and time periods depicted, without so much as realizing you were learning. Therefore, it helps one to acquire independence by realizing what he or she's good at. To some individuals, educational progress results in economic progress. When you concentrate on a procedure rather than a goal, you free yourself from the constant tension and craving for immediate benefits, the urge to attempt to control outcomes that don't depend on you, and the yo-yo effect, when somebody feels stressed after reaching a goal, since there isn't anything else to strive for. The Nuiances of Educational Goal Essay Samples It is not difficult to get consumed in each detail of the board meetings and company and to forget about our wonderful and hardworking staff. Teachers should concentrate on the learners to learn how their previous experiences and prior knowledge will affect the things that they have yet to learn and discover. So, education is a crucial way of eradicating the unemployment issue. It is an important medium of acquiring essential knowledge and skills. Schools throughout the world admit learners from various backgrounds, communities, races tribes and possibly even countries. Learning institutions all over the world are running on a particular routine. It helps we learners to know how to do simple calculations. It helps learners to look at things from all perspectives. Most Noticeable Educational Goal Essay Samples If you're clueless as to the best way to begin an essay or whether you need suggestions regarding topics, our sample essay education can be of some assistance to you. Don't forget to begin your essay strongit should be able to spark the interests of your readers. One's career ought to be suiting the purpose of a person's life and passion besides relying on one's very best skills. You don't need to possess the ideal writing skills so as to be creative and compose an effective essay. The scholarship committee would like to observe how investing in your education will aid your career. Our education is actually wo rth investment. Being part of a fantastic educational institution can be very costly. In the event the education system proceeds to emphasize traditional strategies, students aren't going to learn well and they won't be given a high-quality education. The ideal preparation for the approaching cyber landscape is a holistic technical education in a full range of fields. My whole future is dependent upon the choices I make in college. There's no such thing as a limit to an education. It is crucial for me to get a great education. Education plays an important role in your discipline. It plays a vital role in shaping successful people. Perhaps you wish to advance in your field, and the sole means to do this is to earn your degree. Most job fields demand a descent education. Goal number three is to make sure that everybody has a particular job. For that reason, it can't be reversed. The Problem with How You Set Goals There's a frequent mistake we frequently make when it has to do with setting goals. Goal setting is centered on your benefits. It is simple, yet 97% of the population never do it. Minimize or avoid distractions if possible so that you can get the job done better on your aims. Goals can be helpful in developing a wonderful deal of motivation in an individual. Setting goals doesn't mean that you always fail. Seeting up goals is the very first step towards success. Many governments believe economic progress is their most important objective. There are many advantages of goal setting. For instance, if your target is to collect an extra $1,000 by the conclusion of the calendar year, your system might include slightly boosting your monthly income (through regular freelancing, for instance). Let's return to the survey respondents for an instant.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Impact of Gang Violence in Oklahoma Essay - 1345 Words

The Impact of Gang Violence in Oklahoma Gangs have had a huge impact in Oklahoma the many years they have been here. Gangs account for most of the drug trade, as well as most of the homicides in the Oklahoma area. Gangs are being fueled by the fear they have given the citizens, therefore most people are too afraid to do anything about the problem. â€Å"Every city in the world always has a gang, a street gang, or the so-called outcasts†.- Jimi Hendrix. . Gangs are not only a problem in Oklahoma but all over the world. Gang violence is a big problem in every major city in the United States even Oklahoma and their numbers continue to rise. According to the Department†¦show more content†¦Prison Gangs begin when gang members go to prison, they dont really give up their gang membership but street gangs continue to exist and continue to fight with their rival gangs inside prison itself. A lot of gangs will begin inside a prison and then expanded to the streets. All gangs have different initiations to get into a gang and different initiations to get out of a gang. An initiation is a mark of becoming something new as some cultures believe it is a sign of you being reborn and becoming something new. Most gang initiation involve the gangs member beating you senseless or having you kill someone. There was a case around 15 years ago where two boys that went to Putnam City North High School that had to do an initiation to get into a g ang. The initiation was to rape and kill a girl. They had a classmate that was in there grade and they had ask if they could take her out on a date. When they had picked the girl up they had kidnapped her, taken her to an abandon building and raped her for a continues of 4 hours and when they were done thy and shot her three times in the chest and once in the face. The boys were caught due to a speck of blood on one of their shoes. In the end boys were sentenced to life in prison. Teenagers are now starting to join gangs and it is ruining their lives, most gang members range from the ages of 12-40. The reason why people will join a gang is because they want something toShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Impact of Gangs on Oklahoma1247 Words   |  5 Pages The large negative impact on Oklahoma that gangs have caused resulted in a change in our state. In all fifty of the United States, more types and groups of gangs are committing more crimes and illegal activity. Gangs have significantly impacted Oklahoma by increasing violence, homicides, and drug trafficking, and something must be done. The amount of people affiliated with gangs is rapidly increasing. Oklahoma authorities say that gangs are an urban problem. In a report in the year 2010, studiesRead MoreThunder Games Impact Oklahoma City Essay778 Words   |  4 Pagesorganization has accomplished more than you can imagine by helping this city become what it is today. 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The book sold more than 14 million copies, and it’s the number one selling young adult book in history (Hinton). She would become really popular, and she would be would be known as â€Å"The Voice of the Youth.† The book is about two gangs the Socs and the Greasers that have a differentRead MoreThe Outsiders Analysis1215 Words   |  5 Pagesby E.Hinton published in 1967. There are many theories that can be found throughout the movie, victim precipitation theory, differential association theory, strain theory and labeling theory are the most prevalent. The story takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma and revolves around the story of a 14 year old Greaser named Ponyboy C urtis. The town is split into two conflicting adolescent groups, the Greasers and the Socs. The Greasers are of lower class standings with harsh upbringings, poor kids from theRead MoreInfluence Of Gangs On Adolescents2333 Words   |  10 Pages Influence of Gangs on Adolescents in America Madison M. Prettyman California State University, Fresno Criminology 120- January 1, 201 Abstract This paper discusses and analyzes three different films, Crips and Bloods, A Better Life, and Gran Torino. The films each explore the social settings of three distinct minority groups; the paper notes and describes several similarities among the groups. These include widespread poverty, discrimination from the dominant social order, and the lack of availabilityRead MoreVictims of Hate Crimes and Racial Prejudice1219 Words   |  5 Pagesis the restriction of the Muslim boy who was only eight years at the airport at Oklahoma for carrying a derby car made of pinewood. The security official dismantled the boy’s toy car after searching him. Another example the case of Kimberly a Muslim American woman who was taken in for questioning and asked on her views on the war in Iraq and accused of being in the country illegally and belonging to a terrorist gang. What laws and services are available for victims of racial profiling? RacialRead MoreJuvenile Gangs2762 Words   |  11 Pagesï » ¿Juvenile Gangs Introduction Juvenile street gangs are expanding, and evolving into crime that has not been linked to gangs in the past, according to the FBI. While they expand into white-collar type crimes like counterfeiting, identity theft and mortgage fraud, they also continue to be involved in illegal activities that they are more well known for, such as drug sales, recruiting new members, violent turf wars, and prostitution, the FBI reports. The number of active street gangs (including gangs inRead MoreCriminal Activity During The 1920s2140 Words   |  9 Pagesother countries wasn’t an easy process because, as the underground industry became more popular, the government turned a watchful eye toward the rapidly increasing criminal organization, â€Å"leading to both political and violent physical power† (â€Å"The Impact†). Despite this, the demand for illegal liquor increased and â€Å"so did the methods for masking its production and consumption† (Avey, 1). Because of this, t he government turned to applying new laws and regulations to obstruct the thriving business,

Monday, December 9, 2019

Corporate Law Crowdfunding

Question: Discuss about theCorporate Law for Crowdfunding. Answer: Introduction The technology development in the recent times has had a profound impact on a plethora of activities and fund raising by business is one of these. Internet is widely used as a mechanism by entrepreneurs to enhance their reach to people and thereby make a request for funding and hence work out an arrangement that is mutually beneficial. Such an arrangement is referred to as crowdfunding and in the recent times has become immensely popular globally. Crowdfunding Concept and Role Crowdfunding refers to a mechanism of fund raising for undertaking various businesses with the help of a network that typically comprises of relatives, common people, friends along with investors (both retail and institutional). This method of financing is particularly popular amongst small businesses particularly startups which face difficulty in raising business funds through formal financing sources such as banks[1]. The use of this funding mechanism is not limited to startups only and even some larger companies are choosing this model. For implementing crowdfunding, the companies tend to rely either on specialised crowdfunding mechanisms and/or social media in order to enhance the reach to a host of people and thereby convince them too make contribution towards the business. In the event, that no returns are derived by the investors, then these contributions are termed as donations. The donation of money would typically happen in those cases where the firm is engaged in activitie s that the donor aims to promote. For example, any business which may be selling various aids to disabled people at minimal profits may attract crowdfunding in the form of donations as the business activity has an underlying noble cause. On the other hand, there is investment through crowdfunding which is prompted by the need for returns on the investment made. Besides, crowdfunding may also serve as a substitute of debt financing as interest payments may be done for money raised through crowdfunding. Additionally, crowdfunding may also be done for businesses in exchange of equity or ownership in the business and hence leads to contributors becoming shareholders[2]. In order to raise financing through this mechanism, crowd funding campaigns are organised on the internet. This would typically involve more information about the activities that the firm undertakes and also the tentative expansion plans with estimated returns that the contributors could hope to earn. As a result, such campaigns are essentially the test of the marketing skills of the business considering the wide array of options available to the investors[3]. While crowdfunding appeals to a host of people with lucrative business ideas but it is imperative that money must be utilised in a responsible manner. There is an attempt by certain businesses just to raise finance and then close down business. As a result, it is imperative that effective laws should be in place so as to protect this nascent industry and also ensure that investors interest in not jeopardised. ASIC in this regard advocated that its treatment would be akin to the other management investment schemes and therefore only those firms which have s financial services license could resort to it. Further in case of equity based crowdfunding schemes, it is imperative that the firm would issue a prospectus and would also make information disclosures as per Corporations Act 2001. Also, it is required that various laws that are related to protection of consumer and intellectual property would be applicable for crowdfunding financing. Besides, an Australian law passed in 2015 states that equity crowdfunding would be allowed for those unlisted public companies which have an asset base lower than $ 5 million[4]. It is expected that with a growing economy, the incidence and scope of crowdfunding would increase. However, for industry to mature, it is imperative that borrowers display a responsible behaviour and ensure that promises are not violated with actions taken in bad faith as it may lead to a tragedy of commons for the industry. Also, with regards to equity investors, it is essential to have adequate infrastructure so as to service the informational needs of the investors. Besides, it is also imperative that the inherent risk in crowdfunding especially equity financing needs to be highlighted as the investors in such schemes lack the requisite skills for risk analysis which is characteristic of conventional lenders. Crowdfunding Examples Commercial Context An example of commercial context crowdfunding is the raising of money of Singapore based business Zookal. It aimed at the students in universities and provided them with a host of services. The firm was successful in raising $ 500,000 through crowdfunding[5]. The role of crowdfunding is apparent from the successful financing by this company which would have faced issues with raising finance through traditional sources of finance. Additionally due to the growing incidence of service oriented businesses (some of which may be based on e-commerce),the demand and popularity of crowdfunding is on the increase. It is an innovative way to offer finance to the firm and an opportunity to be shareholders to the people at large. It is imperative that government should provide support to crowdfunding as it could fund businesses which could foster economic growth and provide employment to Australian people considering their specialised skill sets. Social Context One example of usage of crowdfunding in the social context is that of ASRC (Asylum Seeker Resource Centre). The organisation seeks to buy a truck which would ensure availability of grocery items to asylum seekers at reasonable prices. For buying the truck, the organisation has commenced a crowdfunding campaign by using the platform so as to make a plea to people for making donation for this noble cause[6]. These asylum seekers are majorly refugees who do not receive adequate support from the government and also are deprived of working rights and therefore are completely dependent on humanitarian aid received by organisations such as ASRC. Crowdfunding as a source of finance is critical for social organisations which require donations and hence need to widen their reach to sensitive people in the community who are willing to donate money for such causes. Thus, prudent regulation on the part of government is imperative to ensure growth of this industry while safeguard ing the investors interest. Proposed Legislative Framework -Australia The growing size and scope of crowdfunding clearly highlights the need of regulation globally so as to ensure that the legitimate interests of both firms and investors are safeguarded. In this context, the response of the Australian government has been rather slow and hence there is no dedicated legislation in place for crowdfunding at present[7]. Present Scenario The government presently deploys a regulatory framework which stipulates strict monitoring of the various models related to crowdfunding for ensuring that investor interest is safeguarded. The prevalent framework is related to that prescribed for managed investment schemes and ensures that intermediaries possess licence of AFS and ensuring that disclosure requirements mandated in Chapter 6D, Corporations Act 2001 are adhered to[8]. This framework is unsuitable for the growth of this industry and inhibits the realisation of its fullest potential. Proposed Legislative Framework The government has realised the need for a dedicated legislative framework for crowdfunding due to the rising popularity of the same. In this regard, CAMAC (Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee) advocated that regulation mechanism needs to be introduced for governance of crowd-sourced equity funding (CSEF)[9]. As a result, the Federal Parliament in December 2015 introduced the Corporations Amendment (Crowd-sourced Funding) Bill 2015 which had the following features[10]. Funds could be raised only by any company which is declared as eligible CFS company. Such companies are those whose annual turnover is lower than $ 5 million and also the companies need to be public limited. For availing crowdfunding by way of equity a new company needs to be created known as exempt public company. The above status may be claimed by various interested borrowing companies for a limited duration of time. The intermediaries involved in raising finance and operating crowdfunding platforms in this manner must avail ASIC license and hence would be termed as CFS Intermediary. This would ensure better communication with the investors and also issuance of requisite warnings with respect to the issuers. Also, these online intermediaries are barred from offering investment advice due to potential conflict of interest. A cap has been introduced for individual investors in order to limit their highest possible loss caused due to business failure. These investors can make a maximum investment of $ 2,500 with regards to a particular firm and also the cumulative investment made annually must not be in excess of $ 10,000. Besides, for issuer firm also, no more than $ 2 million can be raise in a particular financial year using crowdfunding based equity scheme. Besides, the issuer firm cannot issue any advertisement in order to promote or inform the investors about the crowdfunding scheme. It is expected that the above measures would introduce the requisite flexibility in regulation of the CSEF industry and ensure that the standards are in line with developed countries such as US and UK[11]. However, there are certain clauses with regards to certain disclosures and formation of exempt company which tends to enhance the overall complexity and may be counterproductive[12]. UKs Approach to Crowdfunding There is a variety of approaches that companies have displayed towards the regulation of crowdfunding. There are certain countries (US, France, Germany) which tend to follow a restrictive approach while is quite in contract to the flexible approach adopted by other countries (New Zealand, UK) [13]. A comparison of the UK approach and that adhered by Australia in the context of crowdfunding regulation is presented below. As mentioned in the legislative framework of Australia, the maximum amount that could be raised annually is restricted at $ 2million and also the issuer company must adopt the status of an exempt public company. Also, the intermediaries are required to conduct due diligence of the issuers on a regular basis besides operating under an ASIC license. Besides, there is an investment cap on the individual investor which has been defined rather conservatively. Hence, the overall regulatory framework seems restrictive in scope and thus only limited financing could be raised by the interested firms[14]. However, in contrast UK follows a much liberal and flexible approach with the investment cap applicable on investors being much higher at 5 million. Besides, there is no obligation on the intermediaries involved to avail a particular license to engage in the crowdfunding process. The existing securities licence which deals with similar products is sufficient and also the funding should be raised through multiple instruments[15]. This is unlike the case in Australia where the funds need to be necessarily raised in the form of equity only. Thus, it may be inferred that in regards to crowdfunding regulation, the approach adopted by UK offers more flexibility than Australia and augers well for crowdfunding. Conclusion Based on the above discussion, it is imperative that the government needs to take prudent measures to regulate the booming crowdfunding industry so as to ensure that this nascent industry realises it true potential[16]. However, the current regulatory framework proposed in 2015 seems to restrictive and needs to made more flexible by conducting relevant discussion with the stakeholders so that a delicate equilibrium could be worked out which ensures a readily available funding mechanism for small firms and prudent investment opportunity for investors. References, Government Blows Its Chance With Equity Crowdfunding Laws (3 December 2015) Asylum Seeker Resource Centre, Food Justice Truck (2016) Australian Government, Crowd-sourced Equity Funding [2014] Discussion Paper. Australian Government, Crowd-sourced Equity Funding Report [2014] Corporations and Market Advisory Committee. Dennis Briintje and Oliver Gajda, Crowdfunding In Europe: State Of The Art In Theory And Practice (Springer, 2016) 55 Erin Brown, Crowdfunding in Australia: A viable alternative?(24 May 2016) mccabes Kevin Lawton and Dan Maron, The Crowdfunding Revolution: How To Raise Venture Capital Using Social Media (Mcgraw Hill, 2013) 72 Legal Vision, What You Need To Know About Crowdfunding In 2016 (5 January 2016) Leigh Schulz and Domenic Mollica, The regulation of crowdfunding in Australia: where are we and whats to come?[2015] Australian Banking Finance Law Bulletin., First Equity Crowdfunding Deal In Australia For 2016 Raises More Than $ 675000 (2 February 2016) Therese Torris, Global Crowdfunding Local Regulation: From Light Touch to Prescriptive Bespoke Rules (18 May 2016) Crowdfund Insider . Thomas Elliott Young, The Everything Guide To Crowdfunding (Adams Media, 2013) 14 James Bull and Harry New, New equity crowd-source funding (CSF) legislation (2015) (4) Butterworths Corporation Law Bulletin 7, 9.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Quotation and Research Notes Essay Example

Quotation and Research Notes Paper SPH107: Basic Public SpeakingDirections: Choose the answer that best completes Reading Quiz each of the following items. Mark your Chapter 6 answers on the answer sheet provided. |Which of the following is not a true statement? |Periodical databases _____. |As your textbook explains, when you locate an abstract of a |Catalog articles from a large number of journals and magazines | |magazine article using a computerized periodical index, you |Are valuable for locating materials in encyclopedias and other | |should feel free to cite the article in your speech on the basis |reference works | |of the abstract alone. Often provide abstracts of journal and magazine articles | |One of the advantages of using the Internet for research is that |A and c only | |you can locate information by conducting both subject searches | | |and keyword searches. |You are researching a speech and need to learn how the meaning of| |When taking research notes, it is important to make a distinction|the word â€Å"science† has changed historically. Which of the | |between direct quotations, paraphrases, and your own ideas. |following would be the best reference source to consult? | |None of the above |Roget’s Thesaurus | | |Encyclopedia Britannica | |Which of the following is a true statement? Oxford English Dictionary | |You can almost always count on the reliability of Internet |Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations | |research materials found through major search engines such as |Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary | |Goggle and Yahoo. | | |If you cannot identify the author of a document on the Internet, |According to your textbook, when quoting an Internet document | |you should try to determine the sponsoring organization for the |during a speech, a speaker should identify the _____. | |document. |Search aid to find the document | |If you use a tape recorder or a digital recorder in a research |Author of the document if the author’s name is known | |interview, you should keep it secret from the person being |Organization responsible for the document if the author’s name is| |interviewed. not known | |None of the above |B and c only | | | | |If you need to learn the number of Americans who own cell phones,|According to your textbook, when citing an Internet document in a| |which of the following would be the best source to consult? speech bibliography, you should include the _____. | |Encyclopedia Britannica |Date on which you accessed the document | |U. S. We will write a custom essay sample on Quotation and Research Notes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Quotation and Research Notes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Quotation and Research Notes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer News and World Report |Organization responsible for the document if the author’s name is| |Statistical Abstract of the United States |not known | |Webster’s Guide to Facts and Figures |URL of the document | |Social Sciences Index |All of the above | | |B and c only | |Ivan has decided to give his persuasive speech on stem-cell | | |research. Which of the following research tips discussed in your|Which of the following statements is not true? | |textbook should he keep in mind as he works on the speech? Your textbook states that a good guideline for preparing a | |Include a subject heading on each note |preliminary bibliography is to write a brief note on why the | |Put all the information from each source on a single note |source may be valuable for your speech. | |Use a different format for notes from Internet sources and |When taking research notes, take notes only when you are certain | |library documents |that you will use the information in your speech. | |All of the above |When taking research notes, it is important to distinguish among | |A and c only |direct quotations, paraphrases, and your own ideas. | |None of the above | |What are the three criteria discussed in your textbook for |All of the above | |assessing the soundness of documents found on the Internet? | | |Length, accuracy, and recency | | |Reliability, objectivity, and authorship | | |Authorship, sponsorship, and recency | | |Credibility, sponsorship, and accuracy | |

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Violence And Pornography Essays - Anti-pornography Feminism

Violence And Pornography Essays - Anti-pornography Feminism Violence and Pornography Pornography Sex or Subordination? In the late Seventies, America became shocked and outraged by the rape, mutilation, and murder of over a dozen young, beautiful girls. The man who committed these murders, Ted Bundy, was later apprehended and executed. During his detention in various penitentiaries, he was mentally probed and prodded by psychologist and psychoanalysts hoping to discover the root of his violent actions and sexual frustrations. Many theories arose in attempts to explain the motivational factors behind his murderous escapades. However, the strongest and most feasible of these theories came not from the psychologists, but from the man himself, "as a teenager, my buddies and I would all sneak around and watch porn. As I grew older, I became more and more interested and involved in it, [pornography] became an obsession. I got so involved in it, I wanted to incorporate [porn] into my life, but I couldn?t behave like that and maintain the success I had worked so hard for. I generated an alter-ego to fulfill my fantasies under-cover. Pornography was a means of unlocking the evil I had burried inside myself" (Leidholdt 47). Is it possible that pornography is acting as the key to unlocking the evil in more unstable minds? According to Edward Donnerstein, a leading researcher in the pornography field, "the relationship between sexually violent images in the media and subsequent aggression and . . . callous attitudes towards women is much stonger statistically than the relationship between smoking and cancer" (Itzin 22). After considering the increase in rape and molestation, sexual harassment, and other sex crimes over the last few decades, and also the corresponding increase of business in the pornography industry, the link between violence and pornogrpahy needs considerable study and examination. Once the evidence you will encounter in this paper is evaluated and quantified, it will be hard not come away with the realization that habitual use of pornographic material promotes unrealistic and unattainable desires in men that can leac to violent behavior toward women. In order to properly discuss pornography, and be able to link it to violence, we must first come to a basic and agreeable understanding of what the word pornography means. The term pornogrpahy originates from two greek words, porne, which means harlot, and graphein, which means to write (Webster?s 286). My belief is that the combination of the two words was originally meant to describe, in literature, the sexual escapades of women deemed to be whores. As time has passed, this definition of pornography has grown to include any and all obscene literature and pictures. At the present date, the term is basically a blanket which covers all types of material such as explicit literature, photography, films, and video tapes with varying degrees of sexual content. For Catherine Itzin?s research purposes pornogrpahy has been divided into three categories: The sexually explicit and violent; the sexually explicit and nonviolent, but subordinating and dehumanizing; and the sexually explicit, nonviolent, and nonsubordinating that is based upon mutuality. The sexually explicit and violent is graphic, showing penetration and ejaculation. Also, it shows the violent act toward a woman. The second example shows the graphic sexual act and climax, but not a violent act. This example shows the woman being dressed is a costume or being ?talked down? to in order to reduce her to something not human; such as a body part or just something to have sex with, a body opening or an orifice. Not only does ?erotica? show the entire graphic sexual act, it also depicts an attraction between two people. Her research consistently shows that harmful effects are associated with the first two, but that the third ?erotica?, is harmless (22). These three categories basically exist as tools of discerning content. Although sometimes they overlap without a true distinction, as in when the film is graphic in the sexual act and also in violence, but shows the act as being a mutual activity between the people participating. In my view, to further divide pornography, it is possible to break it down into even simpler categories: soft and hard core pornography. Hard core pornography is a combination of the sexually explicit and violent and the sexually explicit and nonviolent, but subordinating

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The History of Calculators and William Seward Burroughs

The History of Calculators and William Seward Burroughs Determining who invented the calculator and when the first calculator was created is not as easy as it seems. Even in pre-historic times, bones and other objects were used to calculate arithmetic functions. Long afterward came mechanical calculators, followed by electrical calculators and then their evolution into the familiar but not-so-ubiquitous-anymore handheld calculator. Here, then, are some of the milestones and prominent figures who played a role in the development of the calculator through history. Milestones and Pioneers The Slide Rule:   Before we had calculators we had slide rules. In 1632, the circular and rectangular slide rule was invented by W. Oughtred (1574-1660).   Resembling a standard ruler, these devices allowed users to multiply, divide, and calculate roots and logarithms. They were not typically used for addition or subtraction, but they were commonplace sights in school rooms and workplaces well into the 20th century.   Mechanical Calculators William Schickard (1592 - 1635):  According to his notes, Schickard succeeded in designing and building the first mechanical calculating device. Schickard’s accomplishment went unknown and unheralded for 300 years, until his notes were discovered and publicized, so it was not until Blaise Pascal’s invention gained widespread notice that mechanical calculation came to the public’s attention.   Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662): Blaise Pascal invented one of the first calculators, called the Pascaline, to help his father with his work collecting taxes. An improvement on Schickard’s design, it nevertheless suffered from mechanical shortcomings and higher functions required repetitive entries. Electronic Calculators William Seward Burroughs (1857 – 1898): In 1885, Burroughs filed his first patent for a calculating machine. However, his 1892 patent was for an improved calculating machine with an added printer.   The Burroughs Adding Machine Company, which he founded in St. Louis, Missouri, went on to great success popularizing the inventor’s creation. (His grandson, William S. Burroughs enjoyed great success of a far different kind, as a Beat writer.)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How managers motivates their employees Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

How Managers Motivate Their Employees - Essay Example In any kind of industry, consumer goods, healthcare, service sector these goals for both employees and the employer are important to achieve. Motivational roles of managers are important in this respect (Shanks, n.d., p.23; Neely, 2007, p.433). Theoretical framework: There are various theories of motivation which are used for the purpose of developing the working abilities of the employees in different business organisations. These theories are described below: Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs: In this theory the Maslow (1954), identifies various needs which are necessary for the purpose of motivating employees. These needs are comprises of psychological needs, safety needs, belonging needs, esteem needs and self-actualisation needs. With the help of satisfaction progression, these needs are used for the purpose of moving from one stage of satisfying the need to another stage (Shanks, n.d., p.25) Alderfer’s ERG Theory: In this theory Alderfer (1972) has used three concepts o f existence, relatedness and growth to describe how managers can motivate their employees. Various needs defined by Maslow have been used by Alderfer to define these stages of motivating employees. He also used the frustration-regression principle for the purpose of describing the fact that with the achievement of each level of satisfaction employees will be motivated to achieve the next level of satisfaction (Shanks, n.d., pp.25-26). Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory: Herzberg (2003) has used two motivational factors: Hygienes and Motivators, for the purpose of modifying Maslow’s theory. The first factor provides lower level of satisfaction to the employees, like better working condition, high salary etc. The second factor provides higher level satisfaction to... There are various theories of motivation which are used for the purpose of developing the working abilities of the employees in different business organisations. These theories are described below:Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs:  Ã‚  In this theory the Maslow (1954), identifies various needs which are necessary for the purpose of motivating employees. These needs are comprises of psychological needs, safety needs, belonging needs, esteem needs and self-actualisation needs. With the help of satisfaction progression, these needs are used for the purpose of moving from one stage of satisfying the need to another stage (Shanks, n.d., p.25)Alderfer’s ERG Theory:  In this theory Alderfer (1972) has used three concepts of existence, relatedness and growth to describe how managers can motivate their employees. Various needs defined by Maslow have been used by Alderfer to define these stages of motivating employees. He also used the frustration-regression principle for the purpose of describing the fact that with the achievement of each level of satisfaction employees will be motivated to achieve the next level of satisfaction (Shanks, n.d., pp.25-26). Herzberg’s Two Factor Theo ry:  Herzberg (2003) has used two motivational factors: Hygienes and Motivators, for the purpose of modifying Maslow’s theory. The first factor provides lower level of satisfaction to the employees, like better working condition, high salary etc. The second factor provides higher level satisfaction to the employees.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analysis LA Fitness in England Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Analysis LA Fitness in England - Essay Example The main reason behind expansion of LA Fitness is that it wants to offer a wide range of services in the new markets in order to ensure the success of the business in the international market as well. The company plans to expand in England. Some of the driving points, which would enable the company to expand its business in the foreign markets and achieve success, are given below: 1. The increasing awareness related to the health issues as well as concern towards obesity and its effects amongst the people of England, will act as one of the key element in acceptance of the business operations of LA Fitness in the country. 2. Increasing wish of controlling and maintaining weight, avoiding various health issues and reducing daily stress influences individuals to visit the health clubs almost regularly. This is one of the main reasons behind LA Fitness’s business expansion plans into the international market. 3. LA Fitness provides services to meet the needs of the customers and o ffer them facilities for most of their health and fitness needs. This would help them in achieving success in their business operations in the international market easily. 4. The consumers would be offered different exercise regimes. Well differentiated service offered by the company would enable it in developing recognition in the new market. LA Fitness provides customized training services for meeting the personal needs of each and every member and gives them chance to choose the best suitable work out for themselves. Industry Analysis using Porter’s Five Forces Analysis would help in understanding the reason behind the expansion of the company in the chosen Country. Porter’s Five Forces analysis Porter’s five forces analysis would help in performing the industry analysis of health and fitness industry in England (Alkhafaji, 2003; Porter, 1980; 1998). Competition from the existing firms- There are many health clubs in England, which offer health and fitness se rvices to the customers. Thus the competition from the existing firms is very high (David, 1986). However, LA Fitness provides customer friendly services to its members. It is better than its competitors, as it treats its customers as family members and provide them good training. The fitness market is having a growth of certain percentage every year. The company has huge scope of achieving competitive advantage over its competitors by expanding the fitness clubs and hiring large number of employees in the new market, who would provide good services. Bargaining power of buyers- The bargaining power of the buyers is very high in England as there are a large number of fitness clubs offering services to the customers (Davis, 2008). There are a large number of alternative options for them. This increases their bargaining power. Moreover, 10 to 15 percent of buyers of the health clubs do not renew their membership as they do not find it interesting anymore. LA Fitness would have to advan ce its services by utilization of latest technologies in order to retain its buyers in the new market. Threat of substitutes: There are various substitutes for health clubs. People can consume healthy food; go for cycling or walking after eating. There are many individuals who play sports regularly in order to stay healthy. Some of them do labor work, which keeps them physically fit. Some visit doctors and maintain fixed diet in order to remain aware of the nutrients.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Belonging Related Texts Essay Example for Free

Belonging Related Texts Essay What do you think the most powerful influences that impact on an individual’s sense of belonging? * Strictly Ballroom by Baz Lurhmann * The Red Tree by Shaun Tan * Who you are by Jessie J You will almost always find where you belong if you search for it. So ultimately a sense of belonging comes down to perception. This starts from places and/ or relationships, which potentially alter your understanding or you and the world around you, so you can accept the person you are and your individual identity by creating this sense of belonging. In strictly ballroom by Baz Lurhmann, The Red Tree by Shaun Tan and who you are by Jessie J the composers use a wide range of techniques to convey the ideas belonging through forcible authority, challenging authority and alienation. These are illustrated through the concept of belonging to a person or place. These three ideas demonstrate what the most powerful influences are that can cause someone to feel a part of something or not. Forcible authority is illustrated in the film ‘Strictly Ballroom’ by Baz Lurhmann. Forcible authority is when a person or group has the power to make you feel a certain way that you may not agree on and make you feel as though you do or don’t belong. This is conveyed in the film when Barry Fife the president of Australian Dance Federation (ADF) forces Scott Hastings to dance a particular way. The forcible authority is demonstrated in Strictly Ballroom with close ups and bright lighting on Barry’s face. This creates attention and power to the audience’s concept on Barry. Scott then feels isolated from the ADF as a result of Barry’s ideas for the ADF. Forcible Authority is also shown in ‘The Red Tree’ by Shaun Tan. This is conveyed through visual techniques of the little girl standing alone in many pages of the book. The concept of a powerful influence is a little red leaf with â€Å"without sense or reason† this demonstrates herself as a symbol of the ‘little red leaf’ with many factors contributing to that idea. E. g. ‘The little girl with the red hair’ The little girl becomes frustrated by society and not being able to find her place or where she feels she belongs without sense or reason. Here the most powerful influences that influence the little girl is her on mind set on other people and how she see’s everyone trying to conform and belong to a place she hasn’t been nor understands. Forcible authority is again conveyed in the song ‘who you are’ by Jessie J through the singers lyrics. Jessie illustrates a strong opinion on society’s sense of belonging when she states â€Å"forget how to fit the mold, yeah! † this informs the audience that society’s conception of belonging is based on a mould and she feels out casted because she doesn’t know how to find her place in society anymore. Jessie feels as though society has clung to a certain way of thinking and living, this is because of the forcible authority, which is the society as a powerful influence on Jessie’s sense of belonging. Challenging Authority is another idea shown in ‘strictly Ballroom’ this can be when you choose to do something about following other rules from a higher authority. This is illustrated when Scott is introduced to Fran’s grandmother Ya Ya. She explains that dancing comes from the heart. The close ups of Ya Ya’s hands beating the traditional rhythm of the Paso Doble on Scott’s chest gives both Scott and Fran the inspiration to dance their own moves which demonstrates to the Audience how they are challenging authority and now have somewhere to belong to. Challenging authority is illustrated in ‘The Red Tree’ when the little girl struggles to find herself in society; this becomes an issue throughout the whole book, always feeling as though she didn’t belong. The very last page is her standing in her room with a large Red Tree filled with lots of red leaves and you can see that she has accepted herself in the society. She has done this because she has a glowing smile on her face. Jessie demonstrates challenging authority in â€Å"Who you are† by giving advice to other people to be yourself instead of living a lie and following society’s rules. This is illustrated when Jessie sings â€Å"Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars! † Alienation is the estrangement of somebody who is forced or unforced to distance people from each other or of people from what is important or meaningful to them. Strictly Ballroom demonstrates many moments of alienation, one particularly is Scott feeling as though he doesn’t belong in the ADF because he doesn’t confine with the ballroom dancing rules. This is illustrated when himself and Fran dance their own steps and cause a stir in the ADF judging, this is a powerful impact on belonging because if you don’t follow the rules you are forced to feel neglected. Alienation is also illustrated in The Red Tree through pictures and descriptive language. The visual technique as quoted, â€Å"nobody understands†, It is raining and the brushstrokes are soft but distinctive nd the colours are dull and dark creating the audiences idea of how the girl is feeling. The girl is a seclusion to society showing her being an ‘outsider’, the visual techniques are a powerful influence to belonging and clearly demonstrate how the girl feels alienated by society. Jessie J also shows alienation in ‘Who you are’ b y the visual technique in the film clip, Jessie sings â€Å"Sometimes it’s hard to follow your heart. † In this particular part she is sitting in an empty bathroom with dim lighting, this demonstrates her feelings of loneliness and confusion. Jessie feels confused because she doesn’t know what the right thing to do is and this causes her alienation to the environment she is in, this particular songs provides proof with her excluding herself from society until she makes up her mind. Jessie being the most powerful influence as she is the only one making the decision to alienate herself. Strictly Ballroom by Baz Lurhmann , The Red Tree by Shaun Tan and Who you are by Jessie J all convey powerful influences such as authority to demonstrate people belonging and not belonging . This is conveyed through the techniques of forcible authority, challenging authority and alienation.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Free Canterbury Tales Essays: The Knight and the Wife of Bath :: Wife of Bath Essays

The Character of the Knight of the Wife of Bath  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The knight from the "Wife of Bath's Tale" is not a very likable personality. His actions suggest he is just an abstract character, a receiver of the actions, who is used to give the tale's plot a meaning. Neither he nor other characters in the story are even mentioned by name. However, the traits of his character are very real and do exist in the real world. Brought together, they create an un-exciting personality of a man without a purpose in life. The knight is not very smart; he does not think about the consequences of his actions. Raping the girl is one example. In this act, he is guided only by his desires, without considering how right they are. But he doesn't think about the punishment either. The knight lives only for the present moment. Another example is the rash promise that he gives to the old hag. He agrees to do anything she wants in return for hearing the answer he is looking for. True, if he doesn't get an answer, he will lose his life. However, he doesn't think about the possibility that what the hag will want may turn out to be even worse, considering the fact that honor and personal integrity were valued more than life in those times. A thoughtful person, such as Sir Gawain from Morte Darthur, would have inquired more about the woman's wish, before making such an agreement. The knight is also an ungrateful person. The hag saves him from a certain death and then requests that he marry her. In light of the events, the knight should be grateful to escape death, but instead he views the marriage to his savior as another form of the same punishment. He agrees only because he is bound by the promise, and the chivalric code forces him to keep it. In addition, the knight's thoughts are easily influenced by other people. Apparently, he recognizes the fact that he is often wrong and listens to the opinions of others. But he adopts those opinions without thinking them through for himself. This happens when the old hag says she knows what women most want; the knight doesn't question that knowledge. However, by the time he meets the hag, he has listened to many other women who weren't very consistent in their suggestions.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Cph Herbal Medicines

10 Herbal Medicine RA NO. 8423- Phil Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) Mnemonic is BUBLY/SANTA B-AWANG (Hypertesion,Lowers Cholesterol, Toothache) U-LISIMANG BATO (PANCIT-PANCITAN) (Lowers uric acid, Rheumatism) B-AYABAS (Diarrhea, Wounds, Toothache) L-AGUNDI (Cough, Asthma, Fever) Y-ERBA BUENA (Muscle Pain, Athritis, Rheumatism, Cough, Headache) S- AMBONG (anti-Edema, Diuretic, Anti-Urolithiasis) A-MPLAYA (Diabetes, Mellitus) N-NIOG-NIOGAN (Paratism, Arcariasis, Anti-Helmintic) T-SANG GUBAT (Stomachache, Diarrhea) A-KAPULKO (Scabies, Anti-Fungal & Athletes Foot) Aromatic Medicinal PlantsContains volatile oil for treatment of fever, cough, colds, itchiness and gaspain. 1. Petals- (sampaguita, Rosal, jasmine) * Sore eyes, conjunctivitis, eye wash. 2. Leaves- (ex. Suha, Calamansi, Mangga) * Fever 3. Plant: a. Tanglad/Sale- Fever (whole plants) b. Damong Maria- Cough/Colds/Dysminorrhea (whole plant) c. Leaves of Mansanilya- Gaspain d. Camias- Fever e. Sibuyas - Ferver Astringent and bitter tasting Medicinal Plants * Tannin and pectin (decrease peristalsis) A-VOCADO LEAVES B-AYABAS LEAVES K-AIMITO LEAVES D-UHAT LEAVES S-AGING LEAVES S-ANTOL LEAVES M- ANGOSTEEN FRUIT K- ASUY (NUTS/LEAVES) T-SAANG GUBAT (MOUTH WASH)EFFECT: ANESTHETIC AND DEPRESSANT EFFECT TREATMENT/DS: SKIN Problems 1. Akapulko Leaves 2. Kalachuchi 3. Malungay 4. Kakawati 5. Makabuhay DEPRESANTS 1. Dapdap Leaves 2. Dita 3. Makahiya ACHES/PAINS 1. Damong Marya 2. Sambong ASCABIES/ANTI-CANCER DRUG/ DEPRESSANTS 1. Chichirica 2. Mabuhay IMPOTENCE/ERECTILE DISFUNCTION/DEPRESSANT/SLEEPING 1. MAKAHIYA BRONCHODILATOR 1. TALAMTUNAY PIGSA 1. MAYANA PLANT SEEDS- most of the time, anti-helmentic 1. Patola Seeds- ABORTION/ANTI HELMENTIC 2. IPIL-IPIL 3. BETEL NUT 4. SQUASH SEED 5. LANSONES- insect-repelant GRASS FAMILY- diuretic (edema,urinary problem,ihi-ihi) . Tubo 2. Tanglad 3. Pandan Lalaki FOR ASTHMAS 1. KAGON 2. PUGO-PUGO 3. BUTO-BUTONES 4. GATAS-GATAS RENAL STONE- bato sa bato 1. CORN HAIR (BUHOK NG MAIS) Natural Family Planning (kulang yung family planning ko, please hanap nalang po kayo sa iba ng additional. Thanks) Girls 1. Spacing # of Prenancy & Ideal Timing a. Barriers b. Hormones- IUD, Condoms (male/female) cervical cup, vanginal sponge, spermicites 2. Scientific Family Planning a. Natural Method A. 1 Cervical Mucus Method A. 2 Basal Body Temperature A. 3 Lactating Amenorrhea b. Standard Days Method 3. Tubal Ligation

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Walking Contradiction

Now I know how parents may feel when their teenage kids are playing there depressing and gothic music at full blast at the middle of the night. It's clear that most people's opinions are that the lyrics featured in these gothic or metal bands are usually to do with some sort of bad language, death and violence. A feature most predominantly in many of Marilyn Manson's songs. A quote reveals how people judge him for every circumstance â€Å"when a dude's getting bullied and shoots up the school and they blame it on Marilyn, and the heroin† This reveals people's attitude towards this individual. In any case people have their preferences and mine include Beegees. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a golden oldie, but the best music had to have been made in the 70's or 80's. Perfectly good examples of these would have been Abba and Gloria Gaynor. Now neither of these people needed to promote sex, drugs and rock and roll to sell records, which is what seems to be happening today. Artists seem to swear more and more to sell more and more, now tell me is this right? Any ways don't get me wrong not every artist is like that†¦ There are a handful of bands, which don't need negative aspects to sell their music. One band in particular is Kool and the gang, now if I may claim to liking the classic band does that necessarily mean that I must write off every modern day music as some of you people do. All of you people seem to be determined to write off any artists that bear the name Eminem or Marilyn Manson, or any artists that swear or have some sort of opinion not matching yours. The truth about the matter is that you use these individuals as scapegoats, so that you have something to blame when your child has done something wrong or you have something to blame for the way your child behaves. The fact of the matter is that music is a way of expression, and that no matter how or why people complain about aspects of it the reality is that you are powerless to stop any kind of music from coming out. But most importantly you are powerless to stop your children from listening to it. At the end people can listen to whatever type of music, from anything from Bob Marley's â€Å"No woman No cry† to a more modern day song such as Rage Against The Machine's â€Å"Bullet in the head†. I personally have gotten into Metallica recently, just like how a vampire needs his blood, I admittedly need to listen to the enlightening and somewhat depressing lyrics, as well as the bone crunching and indoctrinating guitar riffs daily. Without these I am happy to say that I would be a lifeless, dull and uncaring individual (One which requires someone to master him as a puppet). But with all this said hate and love have been with us from the beginning of time, and they will continue to be with us until the end. I only ask that people take in the fact that drugs and violence have always been in lyrics and will forever remain so, the key thing is to learn to deal with it! Show preview only

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Festival of Ramadan Essay Example

The Festival of Ramadan Essay Example The Festival of Ramadan Essay The Festival of Ramadan Essay a) Describe what happens at the fast of Ramadan For Muslims, Ramadan is a very special time of the year. Not only is it special, the ninth month is also drastically different to any other part of the Muslim calendar. The most obvious aspect of Ramadan, when viewed from outside, is the fasting undertaken by most Muslims. They are required to refrain from eating, drinking, sexual intercourse and smoking from just before dawn to after sunset every day. However, not all Muslims will abstain from eating and drinking during the daylight hours throughout the month of Ramadan, those who are young, (often below the age of 15,) old, ill or travelling are exempt. Extreme examples of fasting, rarely seen in non-Muslim countries even forbid the swallowing of saliva or phlegm. In strict Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia, it is not uncommon to see Muslims carrying buckets with them in which to spit, preventing them from having to swallow their saliva, which would, in their eyes, invalidate their fast. Muslims will often eat one meal before dawn, suhoor. This is often eaten very early, and some Muslims return to bed afterwards. The fast is ended with a small meal called iftar, which is taken as soon as possible after the sun has set. Iftar often comprises of dates and a glass of water, following the example of Muhammad (pbuh). However, physical restraint is far from the only aspect of Ramadan. It also involves many spiritual restraints; Muslims must strive to avoid cheating and lying, whilst also making extra efforts to be charitable and to appreciate what they have. Despite these restrictions Ramadan is not only a time of restraint, as fasting, self-control and moderation alone cannot make someone a good person or a good Muslim. Extra actions must also be undertaken. These can involve good deeds or charitable work, whether this be directly or through fundraising. During Ramadan, Muslims may attend extra prayers, (Tarawih), each night at the Mosque. Every evening, one-thirtieth of the Quran is recited, so that, come the conclusion of the month, the whole Quran has been read. Muslims will strive to read the whole Quran at least once throughout Ramadan. Laylat-ul-Qadr, or the night of power, is when Muhammad first received the Quran. It usually occurs within the last ten days of Ramadan, and Muslims may celebrate it by spending the entire night in the Mosque, often reading the whole of the Quran. Throughout Ramadan, Muslims will often greet others with, Ramadan Kareem or Ramadan Mubarak, which means a happy, successful and blessed month. In Muslim countries, Ramadan can change public life dramatically. Life during daylight hours will generally slow down, with many people resting and concentrating on the fast during the day and working during the evening. The end of Ramadan is marked by the feast, Id-ul-Fitr. This day commonly revolves around family. Zakat is often given on this day, and Muslims may also give extra alms to help those who are worse off, enjoy a better Id. On the morning of Id-ul-Fitr Muslims may attend special Id prayers at the Mosque. The day and evening are spent socialising, feasting and giving presents. As Id-ul-Fitr is such a special day of the Muslim calendar, new clothes are often bought for the occasion. At Id, many Muslims will give money known as Zakat-ul-Fitr. This is not compulsory, as Zakat is, but many people feel more obliged to give after experiencing the hunger of those in need throughout the month of Ramadan. The amount given will often represent the cost of a meal for each member of the donors family. b) Explain the importance of Ramadan to Muslims and ways in which it may affect their lives Ramadan is hugely important in the lives of Muslims. It is the fourth pillar of Islam and is compulsory for all Muslims who are able to complete it. The fact that it is a pillar of Islam also makes following it an act of Ibidah It is also important as Ramadan is the month during which the Quran was first revealed to Muhammad by God in 570 CE. This makes it a very holy month as the Quran and its revelation to the prophet are the basis of the Islamic faith. Massoud Shadjareh, chairman of the London-based Islamic Human Rights Commission, stated that The best thing for a Muslim is to continue his or her life as normal. This is the real test. This implies that a Muslim should strive to allow fasting to have as little an effect on their life as possible. However, there are some inevitable effects from fasting. It will have both positive and negative effects. Firstly it will help them learn self-discipline, which is a hugely important characteristic for a Muslim to have. Self-discipline helps Muslims abide by Allahs will, as many aspects of their lives depend on it, such as keeping prayer times and not giving in to temptations which surround us. This is especially important for Muslims in non-Islamic countries, who often also have to resist peer pressure as well as the temptation itself. Ramadan also helps Muslims have a greater appreciation of Allahs gifts to them and they will be better able to understand the plight of those less fortunate than themselves, who do not fast out of choice, but out of necessity. One of Ramadans other main benefits is that it strengthens the Ummah through unity, those in more economically developed countries can have more empathy for those in less economically developed countries; being able to identify with their difficulty concentrating on being a good Muslim, obeying Allah and focusing on Allah during prayers whilst also being consumed by hunger. Ramadan also helps Muslims purify their minds and bodies, which are a gift from Allah and therefore need to be treated with the utmost respect. However, it will have negative effects, one of these a problems undertaking physical activities. This can affect both a Muslims career and their leisure time, especially in non-Muslim countries. Manual workers will have less energy, and will find their workload more difficult. They may also suffer from dehydration, headaches, weakness and nausea. However, it is not only manual workers who will suffer these conditions. To a lesser extent, Muslims in other careers will also suffer, especially in a hot environment or climate. The importance of Ramadan goes further than this however, it was commanded by Allah and is one of the compulsory five pillars of Islam. Many Muslims may argue that as it is a struggle which enables them to become a better person, this means Ramadan is often seen as a Jihad. Ramadan may only last a month, but its impact should continue throughout the year. It is an annual lesson in becoming a better person and a better Muslim. If its effect does not last into Shawwal then it has been unsuccessful. This is another reason why Ramadan is so important for Muslims; it has such a huge impact on their whole lives, during the month and beyond it. c) For Muslims, fasting has both advantages and disadvantages, How far do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer, and show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to Islam in your answer. I agree with this statement as Ramadan has advantages such as teaching self-discipline, but also has obvious disadvantages such as illness caused by dehydration or hunger. However, some Muslims may disagree, saying that fasting only advantages. They would argue that illness is not a disadvantage, just a trial that must be overcome in order to become a better person. It is not a problem with Ramadan, but an essential part of it, without which Ramadan would be pointless. Some people may say that there are only disadvantages of Ramadan, especially in non-Muslim countries where public life continues as normal. Muslims in careers requiring concentration, quick thinking or strength and stamina may be hindered by dehydration or hunger. Medical careers for example may have life-endangering consequences from bad decisions. Some may argue then that fasting is the wrong thing to do as it is selfish, failing to take into account the welfare of those under a Muslims care who may be put in danger by a famished carer. Some other may agree with this statement, saying that although fasting may teach a Muslim a degree of self-control, do we really need to deny ourselves things in order to become a better person? Surely we are defined as a person by what we do, not by what we do not; the only way to become a better person, both in the eyes of people and of God is to help those in need, not put ourselves in their position. Others may also agree that Ramadan does not have any advantages as it does not put a Muslim into the position of a person living in poverty, as they are not suffering from long term effects of malnutrition and most are guaranteed iftar and a large meal once the sun has set, something alien to those in extreme poverty. To conclude, I feel that most Muslims would disagree with this statement, as they feel that any act of Ibidah can have only advantages. However, many people may also disagree, saying that there are advantages as it develops a persons character, but it also has physical disadvantages.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

History of the Woodstock Music Festival of 1969

History of the Woodstock Music Festival of 1969 The Woodstock Festival (aka An Aquarian Exposition: Three Days of Peace and Music) was a three-day concert (which rolled into a fourth day) that involved lots of sex, drugs, and rock n roll, plus a lot of mud. The Woodstock Music Festival of 1969 has become an icon of the 1960s hippie counterculture. The festival took place on August 15-18, 1969, at Max Yasgurs dairy farm in the town of Bethel (outside of White Lake, New York). The Organizers of Woodstock The organizers of the Woodstock Festival were four young men: John Roberts, Joel Rosenman, Artie Kornfeld, and Mike Lang. The oldest of the four was only 27 years old at the time of the Woodstock Festival. Roberts, an heir to a pharmaceutical fortune, and his friend Rosenman were looking for a way to use Roberts money to invest in an idea that would make them even more money. After placing an ad in The New York Times that stated: Young men with unlimited capital looking for interesting, legitimate investment opportunities and business propositions, they met Kornfeld and Lang. The Plan for the Woodstock Festival Kornfeld and Langs original proposal was to build a recording studio and a retreat for rock musicians up in Woodstock, New York (where Bob Dylan and other musicians already lived). The idea morphed into creating a two-day rock concert for 50,000 people with the hope that the concert would raise enough money to pay for the studio. The four young men then got to work on organizing a large music festival. They found a location for the event up in an industrial park in nearby Wallkill, New York. They printed tickets ($7 for one day, $13 for two days, and $18 for three days), which could be purchased in select stores or via mail order. The men also worked on organizing food, signing musicians, and hiring security. Things Go Very Wrong The first of many things to go wrong with the Woodstock Festival was the location. No matter how the young men and their lawyers spun it, the citizens of Wallkill did not want a bunch of drugged-out hippies descending on their town. After much wrangling, the town of Wallkill passed a law on July 2, 1969, that effectively banned the concert from their vicinity. Everyone involved with the Woodstock Festival panicked. Stores refused to sell any more tickets and the negotiations with the musicians got shaky. Only a month-and-a-half before the Woodstock Festival was to begin, a new location had to be found. Luckily, in mid-July, before too many people began demanding refunds for their pre-purchased tickets, Max Yasgur offered up his 600-acre dairy farm in Bethel, New York for  the location for the Woodstock Festival. As lucky as the organizers  were to have found a new location, the last minute change of venue seriously set back the Festival timeline. New contracts to rent the dairy farm and surrounding areas had to be drawn up and permits to allow the Woodstock Festival in the town had to be acquired. Construction of the stage, a performers pavilion, parking lots, concession stands, and a childrens playground all got a late start and barely got finished in time for the event. Some things, like ticket booths and gates, did not get finished in time. As the date got closer, more problems sprung up. It soon appeared that their 50,000 people estimate was way too low and the new estimate jumped to upwards of 200,000 people. The young men then tried to bring in more toilets, more water, and more food. However, the food concessionaires kept threatening to cancel at the last minute (the organizers had accidentally hired people who had no experience in concessions) so they had to worry about whether or not they could airlift in rice as a backup food supply. Also troublesome was the last-minute ban on off-duty police officers from working at the Woodstock Festival. Hundreds of Thousands Arrive at the Woodstock Festival On Wednesday, August 13 (two days before the festival was to begin), there were already approximately 50,000 people camping near the stage. These early arrivals had walked right through the huge gaps in the fence where the gates had not yet been placed. Since there was no way to get the 50,000 people to leave the area in order to pay for tickets and there was no time to erect the numerous gates to prevent even more people from just walking in, the organizers were forced to make the event a free concert. This declaration of a free concert had two dire effects. The first of which was that the organizers were going to lose massive amounts of money by putting on this event. The second effect was that as news spread that it was now a free concert, an estimated one million people headed to Bethel, New York. Police had to turn away thousands of cars. It is estimated that about 500,000 people actually made it to the Woodstock Festival. No one had planned for half a million people. The highways in the area literally became parking lots as people abandoned their cars in the middle of the street and just walked the final distance to the Woodstock Festival. Traffic was so bad that the organizers had to hire helicopters to shuttle the performers from their hotels to the stage. The Music Starts Despite all the organizers troubles, the Woodstock Festival got started nearly on time. On Friday evening, August 15, Richie Havens got up on stage and officially started the Festival. Sweetwater, Joan Baez, and other folk artists also played Friday night. The music started up again shortly after noon on Saturday with Quill and continued non-stop until Sunday morning around 9 AM. The day of psychedelic bands continued with such musicians as Santana, Janis Joplin, Grateful Dead, and The Who, to name just a few. It was obvious to everyone that on Sunday, the Woodstock Festival was winding down. Most of the crowd left throughout the day, leaving about 150,000 people on Sunday night. When Jimi Hendrix, the last musician to play at Woodstock, finished his set early on Monday morning, the crowd was down to only 25,000. Despite the 30-minute lines for water and at least hour-long wait to use a toilet, the Woodstock Festival was a huge success. There were a lot of drugs, a lot of sex and nudity, and a lot of mud (created by the rain). After the Woodstock Festival The organizers of Woodstock were dazed at the end of the Woodstock Festival. They didnt have time to focus on the fact that they had created the most popular music event in history, for they first had to deal with their incredible debt (over $1 million) and the 70 lawsuits that had been filed against them. To their great relief, the film of the Woodstock Festival turned into a hit movie and the profits from the movie covered a large chunk of the debt from the Festival. By the time that everything was paid off, they were still $100,000 in debt.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Immigration Policy Reforms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Immigration Policy Reforms - Essay Example (Bush, et al, ix) Statement of your position Immigration is a deep â€Å"human issue† as it is concerned with the lives of large number of families and individuals. Immigration deals with the question of American citizenship and helps in shaping up the image of the American nation in the eyes of the world. (Bush, et al, ix) Policy reforms should act as support base for immigrants who come to America to see better opportunities that were lacking in their home countries. My approach to the paper In this paper immigration policy reforms are critically analyzed after seeing through the lens of the American Enlightenment. The point that I have stressed in this paper is that only through legalization of the status of the immigrants can they prove to be beneficial to the country policy reforms should look out for solution by combining the perspective of both federalists and anti-federalists. Immigration in US during the era of Enlightenment The problem of immigration was also a matte r of concern for the Enlightenment leaders like Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. The land of America was increasing becoming a â€Å"dumping ground for the European undesirables†. They were concerned with growing number of German immigrants in the eighteenth century. The Germans came from a completely different social background than those of the Americans, and the increasing number of German population within the borders of America were proving to be incompatible with the republican democracy (Zolberg). Comparative and Analysis Social contract (representative governance) In the global arena, America is recognised as the â€Å"nation of immigrants†. This makes it easier for people from all over the world to enter the borders of America. It is a challenge for the policymakers to distinguish â€Å"illusory immigration problems from real problems.† There has been a tendency to neglect the issue of immigration. This â€Å"policy of benign neglect† is n o longer viable in current times. During the last decade, there have been a number of efforts to reform the immigration policies. There has been improvement in the security of the borders. The statuses of people who seek employment are being verified by the employers. The focus of every immigration policy should be on both border security and migrant workers. Ignoring any one of them cannot make any policy successful (â€Å"The Real Problem with Immigration...and the Real Solution†). During the civil war in the nineteenth century, immigration was specifically encouraged in America. From 1882 onwards, the immigration policies started to focus on restricting the flow of immigrants. This was done to protect the nation from undesirable people from foreign countries. People with contagious diseases like tuberculosis were not allowed to enter the nation to protect the health policies. People with immoral characters and polygamists were also restricted (Williamson 184). Classical Li beralism (natural rights) Classical liberalism defines specific activities for the government. The role of the government should be to protect the rights of individuals with relation to property, religion, freedom of speech and press. There should also be the system of â€Å"free markets† to ensure a smooth economic life (Hudelson 37). The continuous flow of immigrants into America can threaten the practice of classical liberalism. The major concern is that the various cultural and economic backgrounds of the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Stem Cell Research - The NIH, as the Federal government's leading Essay

Stem Cell Research - The NIH, as the Federal government's leading biomedical research organization - Essay Example The NIH has consulted with each of the investigators who have derived these cells. These scientists are working with the NIH and the research community to establish a research infrastructure to ensure the successful handling and the use of these cells in the laboratory". Government funded embryonic stem cells research is allowed in many countries including UK, Japan, France, Australia, and other countries. It was iniially prohibited in ths US by Dickey Amendment to Labor, Health and Human Services & Education Appropriations Act, 1996. Of the 71 blastocysts approved initially, only 22 remained in mid-2006, and many of them were of limited usefulness because of DNA damage. After former president Ronald Reagan died from Alzheimer's during 2004, Nancy Reagan, her entire family except for Michael Reagan, along with 58 senators launched a campaign to relax stem cells research legislation. Consequently, a federal bill passed the house for funding of embryonic stem cells from surplus embryos; however, the bill was vetoed on ethical grounds by President Bush. Stem cells have virtually unlimited applications in treatment and cure of many human diseases and disorders including Alzheimer's, diabetes, cancer, paralysis, etc. Stem cells come in two general types: Embryonic stem cells have potential to develop into all 220 types of cells found in human body. Adult stem cells have a limited potential to develop into some variety of cells. While no human trials have started yet for embryonic cells, adult stem cells have now reached human trials stage. While most religious and ethical issues revolve around embryonic stem cells, harvesting adult stem cells does not present any ethical problems but they are difficult to harvest, are severely limited in quantity and have limitations of flexibility. Further, adult stem cells can produce only a few of the 220 different types of cells in the human body. Future Policy Considerations: Liberal Outlook The pro-choice movement firmly believes that since personhood is attained much later during pregnancy, extracting stem cells from few weeks old embryo is not a murder as such. Further, considering the unlimited potential advantages offered by embryonic cell research, even this 'killing' is justified in larger interest of humanity. In vitro fertilization ("test-tube babies") involves the purposeful creation of multiple embryos, knowing and intending that most of them will either die after implantation in the womb or, if not implanted,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

History - Essay Example The participation of Southern states in the adoption of the amendments of ending slavery was a light to the blacks; however, they reject the 14th amendments and this incited the Radical Republicans in passing Reconstruction Acts. These acts brought about division in Southern states based on their racial differences. 2. Describe the kind of violence Lucy McMillan experiences via 1871. How does this illustrate the problem of reconstruction? Lucy McMillan experiences the 1871 violence between Blacks and the Whites during the reconstruction era. McMillan illustrates the problems of reconstruction as it directly affects the citizens of North and South. The problems included lack of knowledge concerning land problems by most of the black leaders who had participated in the Reconstruction this made it possible for the whites to win over them. 3. How do the Louisiana Black Codes reinstate a kind of â€Å"virtual slavery† in 1865? Louisiana succeeded in his deal of protecting the Black s, his codes had significance in ending virtual slavery, and he denied the pardons involving those who had killed the African American war prisoners. Louisiana allowed each state in creating a new constitution, this came after taking an oath of allegiance by 10% of the total voters, through Louisiana’s efforts ending of discrimination of the blacks. 4. What kind of tribute does William Howard Day give to President Lincoln? Abraham Lincoln is not connected to any religious beliefs he, however, hold a strong believe that God is all-powerful. William Howard Day gave tributes to President Lincoln concerning his leadership especially during the reconstruction era. William confounded the president about his act of spending money and that his leadership is not trustworthy. William also pointed out Lincoln’s weakness as a man full of pride and self-centeredness. CHAPTER TWO 1. Is frontier settlement best understood as the story of competing ethnic, religious, and racial groups , or is it best understood as the place where capitalism left its mark? Frontier settlement is the region within a country fronting on another country usually neighboring country, in this settlement there are habitations. Frontier is usually a political and geographical region and found near a boundary. Frontier settlement being a political area can be best understood as a story involving competing ethnic, political and religious groups. 2. Was the West truly the place where Americans were most individualistic, democratic, and free, as Turner argued, or was it actually riddled with inequalities? Fredrick Jackson Turner in his thesis called Frontier or Turner Thesis stressed the liberty involving movement of releasing Americans from Europeans. From his thesis, it can be concluded that the west was not the place for Americans, the acquisition of the place based on the inequalities hence lacking democracy and full of individualistic. 3. One of the biggest occurrences of the 1870s was C uster’s Last Stand. Discuss the reminiscences of the battle. Custer’s Last Stand occurred in 1876, is a battle involving the most prominent act, which was pioneered by several leaders of war. The battle left several reminiscences among those who were involved and those who were affected. Several people killed 268 were killed, and 55 injured during the battle the battle led to displacement of hundreds of people. 4. Why did the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Concern Of Toyota Vehicle Recall In Malaysia Marketing Essay

Concern Of Toyota Vehicle Recall In Malaysia Marketing Essay UMW Toyota Motor Sdn. Bhd is a joint company which is formed by several companies including UMW Holdings Berhad, Japans Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota TSUSHO Corporation. The company is prioritizing and engaging a process of manufacture or assembly, marketing and distribution vehicles. UMW Toyota commands pole position in the aggregate sales of non-national passenger cars, commercial vehicles and four-wheel drives in Malaysia. Their operations are guided by international best practices, based on the Toyota Guiding Principles. They adopt the highest standards in management, safety, employee welfare, environmental conservation and community relations. Issue Identification Since early 2010, Toyota has been performing a series of recalls of their vehicles such as Camry, Corolla, Lexus and Prius in several countries such as United States and Europe. The recalls are conducted as action to amend the issue of sticking acceleration pedal in floor mats for safety purposes. (Toyota News, 2010) The United States division of Toyota has been hardly slammed regarding to this on-going issue. In the same article from Time, a social worker from Tennessee, Rhonda Smith quoted Shame on you, Toyota, for being so greedy she said. (Time, 10). This statement is just a sample of current public perception towards Toyota in which Toyota has to take a recovery action. However, Malaysias Toyota Models are not affected by the recalls, except for Toyota Prius model. Toyota vehicles in Malaysia are Completely Knocked-Down (CKD) line, it means that all vehicles are locally assembled for the local market. Especially for Toyota Camry models, its sources components come from different suppliers and have different mechanical architectures compare to United States counterparts. (Autoworld, 2010). In a case of occurrence technical problems to Toyota Prius, Malaysia only recalled 60 units due to slight error in its ABC braking system. (Autoworld, 2010). It is entirely unrelated to the case of mass recalls over sticking accelerator pedal in floor mats. UMW Toyota Motor Sdn. Bhd. is now responsible to inform public especially Toyota owners that there is nothing to worry about. The omnipresence of foreign news in media and probably their lack of knowledge of a divide entity managing the Toyota brand in Malaysia have mislead and confused the public to actually believe that all Toyota models in worldwide are plagued with these impaired safety features. The focal point of the campaigns is to maintain the image of Malaysias Toyota. It might be a costly affair, however it hopefully will further save the company financially and reputation-wise in the long period. Target Audience Primary: Toyota vehicles owners We have chosen that  loyal  customers  of Toyota as the first  target  audience. We are well aware these loyal customers have put their trust in Toyotas products for years. With the recall issue like this, it affects their mindset and trust to Toyota products. Through  this campaign,  we  want to inform that Toyota Malaysia will always provide its best service for its loyal customers Secondary: Malaysia public (young and working adults specifically) This category is intended due to high demand of having personal ride among student and young workers. Those who are still thinking or might be interested in purchasing Toyota vehicles will not be disturbed by the preaching of Toyotas product recall issue. Tertiary: Media (local print and broadcast) Media is one of the most effective tools to notify and inform a broader audience whether it is in a form of print or broadcast. We all are aware the strength of media is able to influence publics opinion and perception. Through this medium, it will help to rebuild Toyota image and reinforce trust that Toyota has received from its customers and Malaysia public. Goals There is only single crucial goal that needs to be achieved through this campaign is: Rebuild and strengthen confidence in Toyota Objectives Several  objectives in the implementation of the campaign to facilitate the evaluation process are listed below: To inform public that the on-going recall issue does not affect Toyota Malaysia models.   To improve publics knowledge of safety and quality performance of Toyota vehicles  in Malaysia. To strengthen brand loyalty and positive perception between public and Toyota Malaysia. Key Messages Locally-assembled Toyota vehicles are not subjected for recall. All Toyota Malaysia models are assembled by local experts. The assembly of the vehicles and body parts are made in Malaysia. The sizes of accelerator pedals and floor mats of Toyota models in Malaysia are different from other countries. (UMW Toyota Motor) Toyota is conscious of the needs, comfort and safety of society. Toyota is well aware that driving comfort and safety is the most important factors for customers and public. Toyota is trying to prove once again that the public needs are the top priority in building strong and proper relationship. Strategy UMW Toyota will implement dual strategies to strengthen image of Toyota Malaysia and to inform public that the recall issue is not affected Malaysias vehicle models through the use of specialised tactics targeted at the media. These specialised tactics will promote the project through educating and informing the publics about the reasons they invested in it and what the target audience can obtain from it. The strategies are in the following: Media Campaign UMW Toyota will create this campaign that maintains the Toyota brands relationship with the public. Regardless, the fact that Toyota has always been there for its customers. Through this campaign, we hopefully will be able to inform Toyotas customers, wider public as well as media about the on-going recall issue and make sure that there is nothing to worry about. On-ground Promotion and Education Campaign Besides conducting a media campaign, on-ground promotion will also be held. So customers and public will be able to see and experience directly in practical ways on how Toyota maintain the safety and convenience of drivers through existing facilities. This strategy will educate public to maintain safety during driving. Tactics To achieve a successful campaign, UMW Toyota will have several tactics which attaches all key messages and to be able to deliver it to its customers, public and media coverage. Media Campaign Controlled media: Advertisement and Public Service Announcement. A new 30-second advertisement revolving around Toyota brand has been slated to continuously produce their vehicles. The advertisement will also have two variations, which will add up to a total of three advertisements. Additionally, all three advertisements will be presented in four languages which are Bahasa Malaysia, English, Chinese and Tamil. These advertisements will be aired on television such as TV3 during Buletin Utamas commercial shots. Programmes of non-Bahasa Malaysia languages will be advertised on timeslots that are not considered primetime to save cost. There will a print advertisement on newspaper, within the first five pages of every publication such as Berita Harian, The Star, New Straits Times, Tamil Nisan, and Sin Chew Daily For Public Service Announcement, UMW Toyota will collaborate with Astros radio stations such as, Era, and THR Raga to present PSAs. These PSAs will have few messages about safety driving which supported by Toyota Malaysia and radio stations. This will cost minimal production because the stations are obligated to air PSAs. Uncontrolled Media: Media Release and Media Kits UMW Toyota will supply all Malaysias leading news agencies and automobile publication media releases and media kits that contain FAQs and feature stories. Interpersonal: Distributing Agents All licensed distributors will be equipped with media kits to enable their agents to be well-informed with the issue and should be able to answer any inquiries from customers. On-ground Promotion and Education Campaign Free Test Drive Session Toyota will hold a free test driving promotion for the drivers and let them to come to the nearest Toyota showroom around their living area and drive directly some vehicle models before deciding on the possibility to purchase Toyota vehicles. By doing a free test driving, people can instantly find out how safe and comfortable driving Toyota cars. Public will be more informed accurately and practically about the facilities provided by Toyota. By doing this action, public can also identify and prove that there are no constraints and technical problems occurred to Toyota Malaysia models. Moreover, customers can also check directly all the technical components system such as gas pedal, brake, clutch, lights, signal, wipers and so on. This will ensure them that Toyota Malaysia models are not experiencing any technical problem at all; it is stable and secure for a ride. Media release and media kits will also be handed out to public and media during the event to provide more information for those who do not really notice about the recall issue. Smart Driving Seminar UMW Toyota will hold a public seminar which is attended by experts in their fields of Toyota Malaysia. There will be a speech by a president of UMW Toyota Motor Sdn. Bhd., Ismet Suki. Through this event, public will be able to obtain more accurate information about how Toyota handles and maintains safety and comfort of drivers. The seminar will raise the topic regarding to any technical problems than often occur in vehicles. In this seminar, Toyota Malaysia will explain specifically several programmes they are running recently as an action to meet the needs of its customers. There will be a question and answer section between the participant and the spokesperson right after the speech done. Moreover, in this event, participants will also be taught on how to check all vehicles components step by step before travelling. These steps can educate public in order to improve their knowledge about road safety driving. Timeline This campaign will run for approximately six months, the schedule is outlined below: Task/2011 April May June July August September PSA Meeting PSA TV Ads Meeting TV Ads Print Ads Media Release Draft Media Kits FAQs Feature Story Free Test Drive Session Smart Driving Seminar Campaign Evaluation Budget 2011 Expenses Cost Public Service Announcement Have Toyotas name to be mentioned in 4 radio stations PSA for 4 months RM 20,000 (RM5000/Month) Advertisement Production of three ads in four languages Ads allocation on Buletin Utama (one month) Ads allocation in other languages on varying timeslots (one month) Newspapers advertising rate (two weeks) RM 120,000 RM 55,000 RM 25,000 RM 15,000 Free Test Drive Session Technical equipment and assistance fee (one month) RM 24,000 Smart Driving Seminar (twice in a month) Food and Beverages Technical equipment (speaker, projector, etc) Ushers fee RM 5,000 RM 5,000 RM 500 Media Release None Nil FAQ None Nil Feature Story None Nil Total costs RM 269,500 The total amount also includes the implementation fee for the campaign such as media monitoring, costs for the media release and media kits. Evaluation To determine how effective and successful campaign, there are some specific indicators which are used to measure the objective and the outcome of the campaign.The following indicators in which UMW Toyota Malaysia will use to evaluate are as follow: To inform public that the on-going recall issue does not affect Toyota Malaysia models.   A survey will be distributed to Toyota customers and public to see the number of them actually aware and heard of this on-going issue. This survey will determine public awareness of recall issue which is quite disturbing especially for Toyota customers. And by doing this campaign, hopefully we can determine whether public will get sort of consolation feelings and have nothing to be concerned about their Toyota vehicle afterward. To improve publics knowledge of safety and quality performance of Toyota vehicles  in Malaysia A survey questionnaire will be given to Toyotas customers and public who attend the free test driving session and smart driving seminar. They will be asked about how well their information and knowledge about safety driving before and after attending the events are. This will determine the level improvement of safety and quality performance of Toyota through their responses. To strengthen brand loyalty and positive perception between public and Toyota Malaysia Toyotas customers and public especially those who are attended the free test driving session and smart driving seminar will be handed out this survey. They will be asked to fill out some questionnaires regarding to on-going recall issue and give their perception about it as well as to see their enthusiasm towards the event and seminar. This action is conducted to see whether better perception and loyalty are achieved through this campaign.

Friday, October 25, 2019

California Utility :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chris Parker   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  482.004 Dr. Singer  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1996 deregulation allowed California utility companies to sell power plants and collect over 19 billion dollars in ratepayer subsidies. The money was used to purchase plants in other countries, reward executives with huge pay raises and buy back stock. A handful of unregulated companies withheld power, causing shortages to boost wholesale prices.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Deregulation led many consumers to believe that open markets would bring in an array of choices and lower prices. Consumers will have to settle for a single power provider at higher prices. Rates are nearly 150 percent higher than last spring. Power companies are exploiting the market for their own advantage. Some companies have jacked rates up to 200 percent than offer a deal at a 50 percent hike.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Utility companies promised to modernize the electricity market and reduce business and residential bills. The California public utilities commission is caving in to pressure to make the investor owned utilities look good on Wall Street. Utilities are to use their markups to pay investors for stranded assets incurred during regulation. Utility companies lobbied to pass a law that suited their needs, and now the situation has changed it is trying it again. In 1998 big utility companies lobbied Proposition #9 buy paying a local consum er reporter 106,000 dollars to create a campaign. Proposition #9 would decrease electric bills and promote modernization of the industry. Also, many agency boards are stacked with officials with ties to energy companies, creating conflicts of interest. A member of Public Utilities Commission is being sued for an overseas investment. Taxpayers are paying for his legal bills. The investment was in a company his commission regulated.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A recent study has found incriminating information on the California utility industry. Plant operators would skip maintenance routines. These errors would cause machines to break down and force power cut back. The plants would have sudden shutdowns with no justifiable reason. Shutdowns were calculated to shrink the amount of power available driving up the price. They would hold back power until the state is desperate and vulnerable. They could sell power at super high rates. They sold power to other states. Selling to other states allowed for an increase in wholesale prices.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The California utility companies had planned to make a large amount of profit off of deregulation.